Smart Laptop Lifestyle

Empowering You to Build and Grow Your Laptop Lifestyle

Attention Sewing Bloggers

Here at Smart Laptop Lifestyle I want to help you to live your best life and do want you love to do.

How to Start a Sewing Blog

So you love to sew and maybe you are now thinking that you want to share your projects to world.

Do you enjoy reading sewing blogs? It’s free to start your very own blog and share your creativity, your projects and your ideas with other people that have the same interests as yourself.

Just imagine that you have your successful sewing blog where you can share and help others that are interested in sewing and you get feedback from your readers showing you what they have made with your help.

Your readers sending you pictures of their projects that they have produced from reading and following your sewing blog.  There is nothing better as a sewing blogger than to see someone else trying something that you have shared and enjoying the process with you.

So, how do you start a sewing blog?  This post I will show you the steps that you will need to take to get you started



Is it Possible to Create the Laptop Lifestyle with a Sewing Blog?

It is more that possible to create a laptop lifestyle with a sewing blog and you are at am advantage because you already have so much that you can share.

Even if you are just starting out as a sewer and consider yourself a beginner.  WHY?  Because you can share your journey right from the start by sharing how your got started and what inspired you to get starting in your sewing journey.

As advanced sewer you have a world of knowledge that can help others.  You will have your own tips and tricks that you use in getting your sewing projects completed.

Later I will get into how you can get started in generating income to your sewing blog and give you some ideas on how you can accomplish this.

To get started with building your very own free website click here.

Getting help getting started


Do You Need Help in Getting Started?

Getting help to get started can become time consuming and off putting because unfortunately many of the help offered come with a financial cost before the information if offered.

Or you will get some of the information that you want and then have to start research further to find the rest of the puzzle pieces before you can get started.

Or you get started only to find out that you need more information to get noticed and start getting people to know that you have a sewing blog.

My aim is to help you get started and grow your sewing blog so that you can start to generate an income from your blog whist still doing what you love to do.

You will need a website and I will help you get started in building your sewing blog website easy and free of charge.  Yes I said free of charge to get started.

To get started take your first step by clicking here.

Customer Support

Best Customer Support System For Your Growing Sewing Blog

You will need to have a support system in place for your website and step by step training to get you up and running as soon as possible.

One of the most difficult thing when you are building your business online is getting the help and training when you need it.

This is where I come in.  I will help you get this help and you will have this help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and for 365 days of the year.

I will help you by showing you where you can get your questions answered in a timely manner.  You will be able to learning all you need to build a successful income generating website for your sewing blog.

Technical Support Within 5 Minutes

If you require technical support, not a problem.  You can get your technical questions answered within 5 minutes.  So you will not have to wait and waste a whole 24 hours waiting for a response and therefore you can have a consistent flow on your blog.  If you have any technical issues.

To get started take your first step by clicking here.

Live and Instant Support

You will be able to get your business questions answered in the live chat and there is always an expert at hand to give you the help your need.  This is a 24 hour a day service for 365 days of the year.

You Will Get 5 Minutes or Less Website and Hosting Support

You will have access to “server administrators” in other words technology EXPERTS.  This is unlike other hosting platforms where you will be sent to a third party support that will not necessarily have technical experience and you will have to wait to get your answers or your problem solved whilst they contact an expert.

You will have this first hand by getting in contact with an expert first off and your queries are handled instantly.

Mentoring From The Founders

Not only will you get getting my help to get your sewing blog up and running and successfully growing.

You will also be able to directly contact the founders if your chose to.  To my knowledge there are not many if not any company that you can have direct contact with the founders and get help from them personally.  They are available to help and give your advice. Now that is saying something.

Direct Access to 10,000’s of Industry Experts

This platform is like no other that I have come across and this is why.  The community is second to none.  I have never been involved with a community where everyone wants you to become successful and actually tripping over themselves to help.

I will have to warn you at this point that the amount of help offered can become a little overwhelming because this platform is unique in that everyone genuinely wants to help each other become successful and live a laptop lifestyle.

This platform is designed to be a “pay it forward” community and because of this you will have access to 10,000’s of industry experts available to you to help you build a successful sewing blog.

Also because this community is second to none, there are a lot of Experts that choose to hang out there daily just waiting to help you.

You will Get the Best Website / WordPress Support Ever

Within this amazing community and platform many of the top WordPress plugin and theme owners are frequently within this community and this means that they will be available to answer any of your questions if you should ever get stuck or have any queries.

A long with the state of art designs and technology you will also have access to the SiteRubix platform and a community of website and technical help that you can harness.

How to Monetise Your Sewing Blog?

There are many ways to get started in monetising your sewing blog and I will show you some of the ways that I use and that is easy to get started with from day one.

Oh and these methods that I am showing you are free to get started.  YAY.

Make a change in your bank accounts with what I share with you and thank me later. Lol

There are many reason why you would want to start a sewing blog and here are a few that I thought of.

Beware of the fast success promises and the get rich quick schemes.

Unfortunately too many people say it is easy to make money online and most of these people are just making it sound easy so that they can sell their products and make money for themselves.

To get started take your first step by clicking here.

Right back to how you can monetise your sewing blog

I remember when sewing used to be a required part of high school education in home economic classes, but now it’s it is becoming a skill that few people know how to do.  At one point it had fallen out of style to make your own clothing in fact I would go as far as to say that it was looked down upon.

But recently it has started to become popular again with people wanting to design their own clothing and become more unique. It is a great way of expressing yourself with your own unique style.

Now even someone with no sewing skills can learn how to sew and many people want to learn and this is where your sewing blog will come into play.

There are many thousands of people out there searching and looking for information about how to sew and sewing tips.  Such as how to start making their own clothing, accessories, quilts, and much more.

This brings me back to how and why you will need to monetise your sewing blog, not just to help your generate an income but also to help those visiting your blog to find products and will help them in there sewing journey.

Making money from blogging

Using Affiliate Programs to Monetise Your Sewing Blog

Using affiliate programs to monetise your sewing blog is the fastest and easiest way to get started.

I have listed a few below that you can look into further.  I have researched this and found then to be the best to get you started.

Sewing Machines Plus Affiliate Program, Inc.

Sewing machine plus offers quality products at competitive prices and they offer a 100% money back guarantee along with experts sewing consultants to help your visitors find the perfect products that will meet their needs.

They are the largest authorised retailers of sewing machines and sewing supplies in the United States.  They have also won numerous awards for breaking sales records.

It only take a few minutes to sign up and start posting your affiliated link to earn purchases you refer to them from your sewing blog.

This is a great way to get started with adding affiliate links to your sewing blog.

Make a change in your bank accounts with what I share with you and thank me later. Lol

So What Will You Earn?

  • 10% commission on every sale ($441.67 on average order value)
  • $20 bonus for your first sales after joining the affiliate program
  • They offer a product review program

They will send you products you can review and or use in your content creation.

Better content = more referrals = increased earning power for YOU.

You can join by registering with Share A Sale by clicking banner below.

Amazon Affiliate Program

Amazon is another easy way to monetise your sewing blog and one of the most popular.  They also have an influencer program that I find totally amazing and very easy to link to your sewing blog.

I have linked examples of the influencer store below.

Take a look at an Amazon Influencer Store

You can create your very own and it is free to join and fun to set up and get started.

Flex Offer Affiliate Program

Flex Offer is another free to join affiliate marketing platform that has tons of companies just waiting for people like yourself to work with.

Flex Offer . Com

To get all this loveliness you will need to build a solid foundation for your sewing blog website.

To get started take your first step by clicking here.

Make a change in your bank accounts with what I share with you and thank me later. Lol

The best way to know if you can make a success out of your sewing blog is to get started and the sooner the better.

Payoneer to get and recieve payments

Best of Sewing Machines

Best Sewing Machines for Beginners

Anyone can build a profitable website using step by step training you can read more about my number one recommendation HERE.

I will have shown you how it works for me and you can see for yourself how it is working for me on this website.  You will also see how it is working for others too in my review.

You know that you can get started for FREE.

And you won’t be alone, I’m going to be there to help you on your journey.

I will also help you through every step of the way from building your very first website to generating organic traffic.

You can get started free but first take see all the other benefits you will gain by clicking here.

Use A Proven Method

This is a proven method but making money online is not easy, like anything else you will have to put in the hard work before you start seeing the results.

But this is a much better way of making money online….

If you are looking to make money fast online and are looking for a “Get-Rich-Quick-Scheme” then you will be a long time looking.

You see a lot of internet marketing products will lure you into this “easy” money and the thought that you don’t have to work hard to make money online.

However if you are someone that is looking for a lifestyle change and willing to put in the hard work, then affiliate marketing is definitely something that you should look into to.

Because with that hard work mind-set you are ready to start building your passive income stream online.

If you want to earn the BIG BUCKS online then you are going to have to put the hard work in to get it.

All of the successful online influencers have put in the hard work and have been doing so for a while.

I have been putting in the hard work myself and working hard to build this website that you are on, and now I can make a living online with my website.

My website gets traffic on its own and I am glad to say that it is self-generating, but that is because I have learned how to make my website do this.

You can also learn how to do this as well with the platform that I am using and you can find out all the details on how it works right here in my getting started online guide.

Getting Started Online

On this platform you will learn how you can build your very own income generating online business and see how this business model works and you will also see where you can get started for free.

The great thing is that you will learn how to build your business from the ground up with a solid foundation.

You can also build your very first website in under 30 minutes and see how easy it is to get started.

Another great point is that you will have all the help that you need to stay on the right path to success.

I will also offer my personal help to you if and when you need it, you will also a community of like-minded people along with the owners themselves to help you.

You will have all you need to become successful along with your hard work and putting in the time to do so, therefore, there’s no time to waist.

Anyone can build a profitable website using step by step training given in my product review.

I have shown you how it works for me and you can see for yourself how it is working for me on this website.  You will also see how it is working for others too in my review.

You know that you can get started for FREE.

And you won’t be alone, I’m going to help you as much as you need every step of the way and walk you through the process.

I will personally coach you through the process and you will be able to contact me at any stage when and if you need any help.

I will also help you through every step of the way from building your very first website to generating organic traffic.

You can get started free but first take see all the other benefits you will gain by clicking here.

Here’s the tough truth you probably already know.

If you want different results you need to do something different.

Make a definitive decision right now to get different results

Here’s what you and I know, one year from today you will certainly arrive.

The question is where?

That is your decision to make right now.

Thank you for visiting

I really hope that you found this article helpful.

If you have any questions or thoughts regarding this article or anything else, please feel free to leave me a comment below.

I always respond to my readers.

I will also really appreciate your liking and sharing this article.

You can also subscribe to my newsletter and receive my next blog post by email.

Here’s to making it happen


Smart Laptop Lifestyle

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