I recently wrote a review on Content Samurai and today I learned that they have changed their name to Vidnami.
So thought it was my duty to explain the name change because I feel that it is an amazing service for all those who are struggling to get started with their video creations.
Also, I will answer some questions for current subscribers of Content Samurai.
Why Change The Name?
Noble Samurai thought that Content Samurai was a very long name that would be hard to spell and remember and that it did not really sound like a video creation tool.
They thought that having a name like Vidnami would be easy to spell along with being a shorter name and it would sound more like a video creation platform.
The other important reason behind them changing the name is that they could secure the trademark for the name Vidnami.
What Does Vidnami Mean?
The name Vidnami comes from a combination of two words “vid” comes from the word “video” and the second part of the name comes from the Japanese word meaning wave “Nami”.
Nami reflects the meaning of positive wave of influence in the world.
Put together relates to the idea of using your video creation to create a positive wave of influence in the world.
I think that, that make a very powerful statement.
What Is Noble Samurai?
I mentioned that Content Samurai / Vidnami are owned by noble Samurai, so let me explain further how they are all connected.
Noble Samurai is the name of the company and Content Samurai, now known as Vidnami is the name of their video creation platform.
Is Nobel Samurai Still the Same Company?
Yes Nobel Samurai is still the same company and the same team. They have not sold the company and have not changed their team.
This means that you will still get the same great customer service support and they are still focused on adding new features and making their products even better.
Will Current Subscribers Have To Pay More For This Upgrade To Vidnami?
Your account will be upgraded for Free if you are currently a subscriber. This means that you will not have to pay anything extra.
What Happens To All My Content Samurai Videos?
The great thing is that all of your Content Samurai videos will be automatically transferred into Vidnami so that all you have to do is to continue from where you left off.
How Do I Get Access to Vidnami?
- Visit Vidnami.com
- Click on the Login option at the top right-hand corner of the screen
- Enter the same email and password as you used to access Content Samurai
- If you have forgotten your password click on Forgotten Password link and re-set your password.
Will I Still Be Able To Use My Favourite Templates?
Yes you will be able to use your favourite templates, they have all been transferred over to Vidnami and this includes any custom templates that you have created.
Can I Still Use Content Samurai?
Content Samurai will be available during the adjustment period but after that it will be re-directed to Vidnami.
But everyone is encouraged to start using Vidnami today. It has a more modern look and feel and it is easier and more fun to use.
How Do I Learn How To Use Vidnami?
The Help area has had a complete overhaul and you will be able to have access to brand new training videos that will show you step by step of how to create all the most important types of videos that you will need to grow your business.
To be able to access the new training videos just click the “HELP” option in the top menu.
What if I Still Have Questions?
If you still have questions that have not been answered in this article you can go to Vidnami and check out their brand new HELP CENTRE HERE.
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