Hi and welcome to Smart Laptop Lifestyle
I am a great believer in doing what you love to do. If you have a hobby that you truly love, then why not make it into your business and get paid for doing what you love to do.
A lot of the time the only thing that is stopping us from turning what we love doing into a full time business is knowing how to.
This is what stopped me for years.
Everyday going to my 9 to 5 wondering what is all this for. Getting paid at the end of the month which just kept me from being just over broke because there was always too much month at the end of the money.
I had always thought that I could do what I love for a living but just did not know how or who to ask. I had been to a lot of conferences about how to make money and read a lot of articles and the common theme was doing what you love to do.
But How?
No-One would go into the details unless you handed over money in exchange for the ‘how to’.
Now I know and I am really excited to share this with you and you do not have to pay me a penny for this valuable information.
So that this article does not start looking like a copy of war and peace, I will be mainly focusing on building an online business. Which to be honest all businesses need to have an online presence.
How To Turn Your Hobby into a Successful Business
What Am I Going to Share With You?
In this article I will be sharing with you some food for thought and ideas on how you can get started and also give you some gateways on getting started today.
Oh like I said this is not going to cost you a penny. ‘Lucky You’

What is the potential?
The Potential is huge. When you start to realise the massive potential in turning your hobby into a business.
I am really excited to share this and show you how to do this.
I have put this article in to bite size sections because I really want you to get this and realise the massive potential you have ahead of you.
Business Mind-Set
You have to realise that when you turn you hobby into a business it is no longer just a hobby. So you will have to look at the background stuff that goes into running a business.
The good thing is that you are doing what you love so make it fun.
But a business is a business and you will have to start seeing it that way and become determined to succeed.
Success Mind-Set
You will need to have a success mind-set and know that you will be successful in this. No doubt.
If you believe you can achieve.
You Become Successful the Moment You Decide To
Creating Your Brand
Now creating your brand is something that most people leave until last but to be honest you need to start thinking about your brand now.
Your brand could be things like what you stand for.
Think about your hobby and what you love about it and this could help when it comes to creating your brand.
Please don’t over think this because you can get help with this. I can help you, I just want you to start thinking about it.
When thinking about your brand, look around you and see all the brands, for example a fashion brand, or mobile phone brand.
Oh and you can always change your brand later on as your business develops and grows.
Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website
Create Your Logo
Once you have your brand you can then start thinking about your logo. This is fun and if you make it, it can take up a lot of time.
I would say for your first logo, just keep it simple. You can learn all about logos.
Here is a video on creating your professional looking Logo in Canva
Make Your Own Professional Logo with Canva
You can take a look at this website and see all the amazing things that are on offer in developing your logo and other business materials.
Canva is free to join and you can get started here for Free.
I would recommend taking a look and see for yourself.
Knowing Your Niche
Know your niche and where you can positioned. There is room for everyone. It is just about knowing how and where you fit.
I have written an article that goes into more detail.
How to Find Your Niche Market: nice and Easy 2019
Know Your Hobby
You love your hobby so learning more about it should be fun. The more you know the more of an expert you will become.
What You Don’t Know Learn
It is important that if there are areas that you are not sure about or need more knowledge on, then learn it.
You do not have to know everything now, but as your business grows you will naturally learn more.
It is important that you know where you can go to find out whatever you need to know about your hobby, if you need to.
Learn Your Market
Just like knowing your niche, you will need to know your market. There are tips and tricks that you can learn to find out where there are any untapped markets for you to leverage.
I got really excited when I learned about this.
What is The Best Free Keyword Research Tool?
Should You Turn Your Hobby Into A Business?
On thinking about turning your hobby into a business, you will need to really think if you actually want to turn a particular hobby into a business.
Because it will take a lot of your time, in building this business, so you would really have to love your hobby to grow it into a business that will become your full time income and even change your lifestyle.
Will You Enjoy Doing Your Hobby When You Have Deadlines to Meet
You will need to think seriously if spending a lot of time with this hobby and meeting deadlines, will be something that you will still love to do.
Are You or Can You Be Committed to This Hobby
After turning you hobby into your business, can you stay committed to it.
I am just throwing these questions and thoughts out there because, as I mentioned earlier you will be spending a lot of time with this hobby, so you have just got to love it, and commit to it.
Are You Inspired By the Challenge
So in thinking about all this are you inspired by the challenge.
If the answer is yes then great, you are on the right track to building your success.
If the answer is no then think of what you love to do, that ticks all the boxes. You may have another hobby that you have overlooked.
What are Your Options to Make This Hobby into a Business?
There are so many options and you will find more and more opportunities as time goes on.
You can approach your business from so many different angles. I will focus on the online business angle.
You can:
- Teach Others What You Love
- Show Others What You Love
- Blog about Your Hobby
- Build a Vlog about your hobby
Just to give you an idea.
What do I recommend?
How Could You Do This?
If you are anything like me when I started. I was a total newbie and built my business from the ground up.
After years of searching for the right platform to build my business and learn how to do it successfully. I finally found this amazing platform
You can read my full review right here.
If you are ready to get going then come on in, it is free to get started and I think that you will be presently surprised. You can thank me later.
Set Your Goals
Remember that this is now your business, so you will have to start setting goals in moving forwards.
It is easy for me to say you need to set goals, but if you don’t know where to start. Where do you start?
Well your first goal is to get started.
The Best way to learn is to just do it.
Building Your Website
Building a new website can become a complicated and time consuming task if you do not know where to start.
I got you covered. You can build your first website in minutes with this step by step training.
How to Build Your Own Website Free and Easy
Best Website Builder for Beginners 2019
Step By Step Training
What I love about this step by step training is that you can actually build your website whilst you are learning to do. And like I mentioned earlier it took me about half an hour and that is saying something, I tell you.
Oh did I mentioned that to get started and build your first website it is not going to cost you a penny.
You can find out more about the step by step training from the article below.
Online Entrepreneurship Training
Choosing a Name for Your Website
Choosing a domain name for your new business can go from being really simple because you already have a name in mind, making it a no brainer. Or it can be something that takes a lot of thinking about.
You are not alone no matter which group you are in. If you choose a domain name, the down side is that you cannot change it. Well you may be able to change it but I think it will be a complex process.
I would say that for your first website it is always better to go with a free website and learn the craft of running an online business.
I have added below a great platform where you can get your free WordPress website.
This Platform will also give you free step by step training on how to get started. You can find out more details and information from my review article.
Learn How To Build An Online Business
You will learn how to build your online business with the help of experts and a community that is second to none.
You will have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week of wall to wall help.
So how much you learn and how quickly you learn is totally up to you.
How to Live the Laptop Lifestyle
The Best Way To Earn a Passive Income
Best Website Builder for Beginners
Learn the Power of Keywords
You will also learn the power of keywords for your online business and how to write content for your website.
When I started I knew about keywords but I didn’t know how to use them or how powerful they are in the internet world.
I have added a world class keyword research tool for you to have a play around. Oh it is free also, just in case you forgot what I said at the beginning of this article.
I have also added a more detailed article on just how powerful this keyword research tool is.
What is a Keyword Search Tool?
Learn How To Monetise Your Hobby
Learning how to monetise you online business can become the sticking point for most newbies.
But in fact monetising your website is a lot easier than you think.
There are so many choices and different ways that you can do this.
You can get some ideas by reading the article below
What Products Could You Review that you are using in Your Hobby
You are the expert of your hobby and you will know what products and or tools are needed for your hobby.
You will also know what are the best products and or tools to use.
So you could help others by reviewing different products and or tools.
This is a brilliant way to get started and it can become very profitable for you.
You can find out more in the training that is on offer on this platform
How to Write a Good Product Review: 8 Valuable Tips
Other Things to Think About
- Define the What
- Understand your Why
- Believe in yourself
- Find a Platform That Will Help You Develop and Grow
- Develop your Online Presence
- Take Amazing Photo and or get Great Images
- Ask questions the more questions you ask the more you will learn
- Know that you got this
My Thoughts
You will need to know that this is what you want to do and go all in.
You will need to Be Consistent and Persistent
Use your Imagination and Vision and see the Possibilities
Don’t wait for some day to come along because all you have is TODAY
Believe in yourself and know that you can do this and then make it happen.
I have included a few of motivational articles that may interest you.
The Law of Attraction Explained
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