Smart Laptop Lifestyle

Empowering You to Build and Grow Your Laptop Lifestyle

Attention: Affiliate Marketers

So can you make money with wealthy Affiliate without promoting them? in short yes and I will show you so keep reading.

Choosing a niche can be tough. I know when I first started I had so many ideas and things that I loved to do and this made it harder to choose just one to get started with.

I soon learned that choosing a niche in order to begin making money online was more about just starting than spending all that time deciding which one to choose.

It helped me greatly when I joined Wealthy Affiliate because by doing the step by step training and learning how affiliate marketing actually worked. I realised that you can make money online using almost any niche.

Oh before I continue I want to congratulate you for taking your time to do your very own research before buying into any product and or service.

This is by far the best way to avoid scams and find legitimate ways to make money online.

Right let’s get back to the article.

Can You Really Make with Wealthy Affiliate Without Promoting Them

Wealthy Affiliate started in 2005 and they are still going strong. It is clear to see, well to me and over 2 million others that you can make money online with Wealthy Affiliate.

If they were running some form of scam it would be pretty evident by now.

Scammer can only last so long before what they are doing gets exposed. With the ever growing use of social media and the World Wide Web news travels fast and people talk.

One thing I know and that is there are many success stories from Wealthy Affiliate, Including me. YAY.

Another thing I know and that is not everyone on this platform are making money online from just promoting this company.

There is so much more on offer.

If you have search the internet lately you will know that you can find anything from how to start sewing to how to make a coffee table out of cardboard.

You can create a website about anything and you can make money writing content about any topic.

Okay many people will be a little sceptical and they are going to want proof.  (I am not surprised I would too.) Want to see for a fact that you can make money online with Wealthy Affiliate without actually promoting their company.

No Problem …

Let’s get started and look for a few ways that I can prove it to you.

  1. My Own Affiliate websites
  2. Other Affiliate Marketers Websites
  3. All you need is traffic
  4. Proof that Wealthy Affiliate training Works

My Own Affiliate Websites

Most Importantly I want to share with you that I learned how to make money online with Wealthy Affiliate. You can read about me, but the short story is that I started with Wealthy Affiliate in 2018 and today I have a few other websites that are totally different niches to this one.

I am still a member of Wealthy Affiliate and learning how to grow and develop my websites all the time. This is still my number one recommendation and think that it is the best place for beginner Affiliate Marketer to learn how to make money online.

My first website is what I call my passion website and the niche is Getting Healthy Naturally, I love this website and still have it today, because I enjoy writing content on it and I have learned how I can turn it into an income generator using affiliate marketing. YAY.

I also have another website that you can find on my profile at Wealthy Affiliate and the niche for that one is this website because of the nature of the website, it is relevant to the theme, another thing that I learned with the step by step training at Wealthy Affiliate.

The great thing about affiliate marketing you get to try and test new niches.  It is hard work but I feel that it is worth it because when you get it right, bingo.

My other websites I choose to keep them private to prevent copycats and unfortunately this can be a real issue in this business.

Other Successful Affiliate Marketers Stories

Aside from my websites I have added some success stories from Wealthy Affiliate although many of the stories may have niches on money making topics many of them are promoting other affiliate programs.

The great thing is that within Wealthy Affiliates website they have an affiliate programs section where you are find affiliate partners for your chosen niche.  I call Wealthy Affiliate a one stop shop because it has all that I need to grow and develop my online businesses.

The reason why many of these stories are in relation to the money making niche is due to it nature of the platform.

Many have more than one website and niches like myself.

Right now let’s get to the meat and show you some income reports. YAY.

There are many websites in a variety of niches that will show you their income reports, I have added two of them for you to take a good look and see the potential.

2017 Start Mom Blog Income Report

Bloggers making six figures

I want to mention again a caveat and that is you will notice a lot of the blog topics are about money, but they are not necessarily making money online, but rather retiring, savings, budgeting and so on.

One thing that I have noticed is that blogs related to money habits tend to produce an income report of some sort.

There are tons of other topics like, sewing, fitness, healthy, food, and mummy blogs.

But earning money online with affiliate marketing is not limited to these common topics.

You will see this when you go through the step by step training at Wealthy Affiliate.  You will be able to pick any topic that takes your fancy.

I have seen websites making a huge income from horse’s saddles, sewing, Enemas, to adult diapers, so affiliate marketing is limitless.

Can You Really Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate Without Promoting Them?

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how you can become a successful affiliate marketer, so the answer is definitely yes that you can make money with Wealthy Affiliate without actually promoting their services.

You will learn where to successfully find affiliate programs that are relevant to your chosen niche.


Many people start with Amazon, which is a great place to start for beginners.  Amazon has been running their affiliate program for years now and it is a great win/win for both affiliates and sellers.

Amazon is a great place to find products that are relevant to your niche and they have tons of products to choose from.


There are many people making money with ShareASale and there are many products and services on this platform that you will not be able to find on Amazon.

They also have a huge amount of affiliate programs to promote, the options are limitless and you are bound to find a product, service and or affiliate program to fit your niche and start making money on your affiliate website.

All You Need Is Traffic

The great thing is that you can make money with a website, even if you don’t do any so called selling.

In fact you don’t even have to be an affiliate or a promoter of any company at all if you choose.

If you have traffic coming into your website you can earn a great amount of money using only displayed ads.

When I say that you can make money with just the use of displayed ads, I am not talking change I am talking thousands of pounds/dollars.

The key word here is traffic because you will need to be have a lot of traffic visiting your website to earn that much.

The good news is that you don’t have to have a website like or with 5k plus visitors a month.

The bottom line here is that if you can write content then you can make money online.

Of course, this a little more to the process and the great thing is that you can learn all that here on my blog, but the main point I am trying to make here is that you can make money with Wealthy Affiliate without promoting them, but the platform itself is priceless because of the training itself.

Another point about using displayed ads to generating an income online is that you can do all your learning with Wealthy Affiliate and no-one has to know where you learned it and you never have to reveal where you learned how to build and develop your website.

Right Now More Proof that Wealthy Affiliate Training Works

So far, I have shown you three things:

  1. I have made money with Websites without promoting Wealthy Affiliate
  2. Other people that are making money online without promoting Wealthy Affiliate
  3. You can make money online with even selling any products and or services at all.

It is more than clear that you can make serious money promoting Wealthy Affiliate but I just want to show in this article that it is very possible that you could also make money online without promoting Wealthy Affiliate.

There are many people in the Wealthy Affiliate community that have created great websites using the Wealthy Affiliate Training and they are actually earning money with their blogs.

Well there you have it.

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