Smart Laptop Lifestyle

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Amazon Associates Programme Review, is it a Yes or a No for you, and will it make you money.

In this article I will explore with you if this is the right choice of affiliate marketing for you.

I will give you the facts and my experiences from the joining to the daily use.

Amazon Associates Programme

The Amazon Associates Programme at first glance is a simple sign up process. They have a lot of tools in place to help you through the process. If you get stuck the technical support is on point and are quick to respond to requests.

I was a beginner when I started and did not know much of anything to do with this business and got stuck towards the end of signing up. But the technical team were very helpful and I got through it.


I thought that I would get straight to the point about the commissions because it is an important part of any business.

Amazon pays up to 10% of products purchased through your website links.

Ten percent may not sound like much if you look at it as sing sale, but if you think of it this way.

Amazon is a billion dollar industry and the have a lot of traffic going through their websites hourly. Their customers are credit card ready and many are prime members. These customers are their to spend money. Many of them purchase multiple products at any one time.  This can be very lucrative.

Who is Amazon Associates Programme for?

The Amazon Associates Programme is designed for website owner and beginner bloggers to the very experienced publishers. In other words it is for anyone that has content on their website.

Is the Amazon Associates Programme worth joining?

Amazon Associates Programme in my opinion wants its Associates to succeed. Because if we succeed they succeed.

Amazon Associates Programme helps you to learn to do a lot with your website. You can easily create affiliate links, so you do not have to worry about getting it wrong and losing commission payments. They also have training in place, in their Education Centre.

What Does Amazon Require from You?

Firstly you need to sign up and apply for the programme. If you already have an account with Amazon then all you need to do is apply for the Associate Programme. Then Amazon will review your application.

The Application is made easy and Amazon help you along the applying process. It helps if you have other social media accounts because they are first and foremost looking at the amount of connections you have. Because these connection all add up to good traffic and potential customers.

The approval process can take up to 12 to 24 hours. The approval time could also depend on when you apply. Once that is done it is time to connect with your website.

Connecting to Your Website

If you already have a website then you are good to go. They will walk you through what you need to connect and this is done in a step by step fashion.

If you do not have a website and would like a low cost professional website then below you will see a high quality professional free word press website with free hosting below.

Website Content to Gain Traffic

If you are just starting out Then the first thing you need to do before approaching Amazon Associates is to build your website and then find a niche. A topic to write about. If you are finding getting a niche and would like some free help and free training to get you started then look no further. Click this link.


Writing Articles

The Good thing with using this Free Website, Free Hosting, Free Training is that you not only get two Free Websites and all the help that you will need from Wealthy Affiliates. You will get help from the foundation right up until to start making money and beyond. The only thing you will need is to be able to put the time in to building your business.

You will also be getting free Training from Amazon which will be built around their products and industry.

Amazon Training for Associates Programme

The Good thing about Amazon Associates Training is that it as two levels. One for beginners and the other for Advanced.

The Beginner Training has over 50 topics to help you along your journey in becoming successful with Amazon.

The Topics include:

  • Content
  • Conversion
  • Data Analytics
  • Design
  • Hosting
  • Tools
  • Associate Central
  • Traffic

There are a lot more included.

The Advanced setting are the same topics, just aimed at advanced users.

Once You Have Your Website

Once you have your website up and running. If you are a beginner at article writing as mentioned earlier, please do not think that you can not do this, or that you have nothing to write about, or you haven’t got a clue what niche to start.

We all have a passion and we all have something that we could write about. it could be that you are passionate about cars, horses, dolls houses, DIY, crafting, painting, fashion, make up, entertainment, your work, and I could go on.

I think that you will soon find that you do not know which one to choose first. But if you need some help in this area then, I have a brilliant place for you to start and it is FREE to join and as FREE Training.

You Could be a professional within months. The Good thing about this FREE training is that you will be working on your website whilst you are Training. How AMAZING is that.

Before you know you will be fully educated and promoting your Amazon Products in no time. Writing your product review content for your website.

Is It Worth It Joining Amazon Associates Programme

I would say yes it is because the opportunity is endless. The amount of products they have you could make a living just doing product reviews from Amazon.

Product reviews is a very lucrative business. Check out how to write winning product reviews for Amazon.

If you have any questions, then please feel free to leave me a comment below.

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Here’s to making it happen


Smart Laptop Lifestyle




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16 thoughts on “Amazon Associates Programme Review – Is it a Yes or No Money Maker

  1. In my experience the amazon affiliate program is a very reliable source to monetise your site but like all businesses it has its rules and not necessarily to everyone’s liking. but you can be very successful if used cautiously.

  2. Hi Jenniffer . This is a great article on amazon affiliate program. The way that you have written it is very easy for someone to understand. Thank you for the great work you have done as the information that you have provided us is very valuable.

  3. I just recently joined Amazon Associates. I have not made a ton yet, but it is starting to trickle in which makes me happy. I know that it will just take time. How long have you been using Amazon Associates products on your website?

    1. Hi Matts Mom,
      Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it. This is my first time, That is why i decided to review the Amazon Associates, from the side of applying and what they have to offer within the affiliate program.
      Thank you for asking

  4. Hi Jennifer. Thanks for the information on Amazon Associates. I have been with them for a while now but you are right to say that people need to have some good traffic to their websites before applying because there is a time limit for getting 3 legitimate sales through the program. In the US it is 180 days or about half a year but if you don’t make the required sales in that time, Amazon will shut down your account. Don’t panic though because you can reapply in this happens as it did with me. I agree that it can be a good source of income as well. All the best and thanks for the information. Gail

  5. H Jennifer. This is a great review for any body considering joining. I am an associate and think this is an accurate representation. Thank you for sharing and all the best.

  6. That’s so true! if you think of the 10% commissions from a single item, it may not look like much but just think if you are able to sent 20 people per day who each spend an average of $50. That’s $100 in commissions right there. 🙂 Not to mention that Amazon is probably the most trusted company when it comes to online shopping. Chances are people will buy what you recommend, specially if it has a good review on the Amazon platform. Awesome perspective!

    1. Hi and thank you for your lovely comment and support. I really appreciate it.

      Yes Amazon is a trusted shopping site and making money with the right help and support can become very real.

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