Welcome to my Udimi Solo Ads Review
Let me start of by being honest with you and let you know that I am a member of Udimi Solo Ads and this is why I feel I just have to share this platform with you and give you some insight from the inside.
If you are anything like me you will always be exploring the many ways that you could get more traffic to your website, such as Facebook Ads, Google Adwords which are very popular ways of generating traffic.
Another way of paid advertising that many are drawn towards are solo ads.
You may have heard of a service called Udimi which offers this method of advertising.
So if you have been going through Udimi reviews trying to find out if it is a legitimate way to go then you are in the right place.
Oh before I get started on this I just want to take the time to congratulate you for doing your own research before committing to this platform.
I have searched and researched the World Wide Web to find the truth about this market place before I even joined. So you may want to stick around to get the facts in this Udimi review.
Who is Udimi?
Udimi.com is an online marketplace where users can trade solo ads.
A solo ad is an email advertisement space that you buy from another email list owner.
The company is owned by Udimicom Limited and they are located at 61 Spyrou Kyprianou, SK House, 4003 Limassol, Cyprus.
Udimi has been around since 2017.
How Does Udimi Work?
Right from a buyer’s standpoint, Udimi assists you to buy an advertisement from other email list owners within its platform.
When you connect with an email list owner and you let them know your requirements they will then send out an email on your behalf to part of their existing email list.
For example if you want to reach 50 potential visitors, they will send your request to approximately 500 plus in their list for you to get 50.
Now if this is done well a solo ad should the target audience to click on whatever you are offering and or advertising.
It could be anything from a weight loss program, subscribing to a newsletter/magazine or anything else you are selling. Ideally these clicks should turn into leads and eventually sales.
Once you sign up on Udimi, you will be able to find a solo ad provider.
One good thing is that you can filter your search such as:
- Price
- Niche
- User Ratings
- Sales ratio
And things like that.
Another point that I liked was that once your find your ideal seller, you can then choose the number of clicks you want to order.
You can also design your very own text ad by uploading it to them or you can pick one of the template that are already available.
After you have completed your order you can then add it to your cart and proceed to checkout, pay and wait for the seller to approve your order.
Once your order gets approved by the seller they will have up to 100 hours to start running your ad campaign.
You will be able to see your stats on your Udimi dashboard. You will also be able to rate the seller on your experience with them.
What Are Udimi’s Features
Udimi provides a lot of useful feature that will help their buyers and sellers:
1. Filters – As I mentioned earlier you can use various filters so that you can find the best sellers. You can filter them by niche, language, maximum price that you are willing to pay, leads to sales for previous customers, traffic source, sellers location and you can get even more features if you pay for the Prime Membership.
2. Prime Membership – As mentioned the Prime Membership comes with added features such as, advanced filtering, double affiliate earnings, email validator, microsites, super-fast support and a whole lot more. You can get all this for up to $287.52 a year. You can read more about the Prime Membership HERE.
However you do not have to pay anything to join the Udimi platform.
3. Referral Program – The Great news for all affiliates is that Udimi as an affiliate program where you can promote your seller link to buyers and sellers. This can earn you 15% commission for all orders and up to 50% if they are Prime Members that you have referred. Your referrals can also earn a $5 discount on their first purchase when they sign up.
How Much Does it Cost to Get Traffic From Udimi?
Udimi Taffic Pack cost will differ and most sellers will set a minimum price you will have to meet before trading with them.
The price will normally start from $0.40 and peaks at around $0.95. So if you need to reach say 50 visitors and use a seller that price starts at $0.40 without setting any filter, then that transaction will cost you $20.00.
Udimi will also charge you a flat fee of $3.00 per transaction. The price will fluctuate as you add more filters, but this you will not be able to set a price less that what is set by the seller.
You can make payments via credit card or PayPal.
Did you know that you do not have to spend a penny to grow your very own website’s traffic and you will be able to generate leads and sales and learn how to build an email list?
You can join my number one recommendation a platform that I am using and that helped me to build this website that you are on right now.
You can learn how to get free, unlimited and targeted traffic from Google and Bing/Yahoo using a proven method and tools with step by step training and strategies. It is even FREE to get started.
How Much Website Traffic Can Udimi Deliver?
Udimi delivers paid traffic, so the more you are prepared to pay then the more visitors you will be able to reach.
So the answer to the question if that how much website traffic Udimi will be able to deliver will be completely based on your budget and the quality of the traffic.
So if you have a limited budget or you are just starting out or you just want to be able to get unlimited traffic you can just use an industry that has proven tools, strategies and step by step training so that you will be able to obtain high value free traffic from the search engines such as, Google, Bing and Yahoo.
My Number One Recommendation can surely help you with this and it is free to get you started.
How Can You Join Udimi?
It is free to join Udimi, and you can get started by going here.
All you will need to become a member is an email address and password to join. You will get access to your dashboard immediately so that you can get started trading immediately.

Udimi Complaints
If you do not know how you can avoid scams on the internet then it can be very unforgiving, so that is why you are better off reading the complaints about Udimi here just to be safe and so that you can make a more informed decision.
1. Inaccurate Seller Statistics – The filter feature on Udimi is really useful because it gives you the ability to see which sellers have a high conversion rates. But a good number of users say that the sales conversion data is not so accurate and as a result the conversion figures that they got were nowhere close to what was discussed with the seller. So you may end up spending more money to get good results but my point here is that the statistics are inaccurate.
2. You need to pay to advanced filtering – Following on from what I just mentioned about filters. Using and paying for these filters basically increase the quality of the traffic that you are buying. So this means that you will get a higher value of traffic. Meaning that you will have to spend even more money. What’s wrong with this picture?
3. No Better Business Bureau Profile – Right many people would not even give a second thought to a company not being listed by the Better Business Bureau. So it is a good idea that you are reading this review and this is why I congratulated you early for doing your research because of information like this. Well Udimi is not listed and I checked again before writing this review, so as of today they are not listed.
Is It Worth Using Udimi?
If you are purely looking to gain traffic to your website then solo ads is the way to go.
However you will need to use the filters creatively and narrow down your target as much as you can, so that you will get the best possible quality traffic for your buck.
But it could be more difficult getting a good solo ads provider as you it will be hard to be certain that their past performance and credentials are accurate.
But on the other hand Udimi has done a good job at reducing the guesswork and certainty that was previously common with the buying of solo ads.
All the same, Although I am a member I am yet to use their services but in saying this I have heard from people that have used them and they are more than satisfied with the service they received.
Another reason why I have been holding back from using Udimi’s service is because I have learned how to get free, targeted and organic traffic to my website.
I use this traffic to build my very own email list that I will be using to generate my own leads and sales.
If that is something that you want, then you may want to join my number one recommendation and learn all about getting Free Traffic from the search engines such as, Google, Bing and Yahoo.
You will have all the tools that you need to help your attract the right people to your website.
You can even get started for Free.
Well that’s it for now. Would you use this solo ads marketplace? Please feel free to share your thought about this or even if you know of a similar company in the comments below.
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I really hope that you found this Udimi Review helpful.
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