Smart Laptop Lifestyle

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We all could do with working on our skills in influencing others.

It could be within:

  • A Company
  • Our family
  • Group of friends

Within the corporate world, influence is a power that you can control with your upper management, co-workers, supervisor and customers.

I want to point out at I am not talking about the art of “kissing up” because this is far from the same thing as the art of influencing.

Let’s take a look at Mother Teresa who was a Catholic Nun who devoted her life to the poor.  I mention her because she was a very influential person, who changed the lives of many and who is remember historically in many households for the amazing work she accomplished in her life time.

She faced many challenges but stayed focused and true to her cause.  She travelled the world changing people’s lives and gain a massive following.

Some people hold more power by influencing, than those who seem to be in power.

Many of us have seen administrative assistant who have ran a department or even an entire company.

The Art of Influence

How Do You Start Developing The Art Of Influence?

Right, so how do you start developing the art of influence?

One of the best ways to start is to establish a reputation of integrity.

This means that you should not engage in any “back biting” as this will only take away from you credibility.

At times it may become tempting to jump in and express your negative opinion about a third party, but this will not help you in developing your ability to influence the person who is not there.

Seriously taking part in gossip and slander will destroy your honour with all parties involved.

You see the thing is that even the people involved in the gossip and or slander will question your trustworthiness.

True associations are founded on:

  • Loyalty
  • Dependability
  • Straight forwardness

To become an influencer you must be seen as a foundation of integrity, in order to be influential with a group.

Another Ingredient to Develop the Art of Influence

The next and important ingredient if to be sincerely interested in helping others and show that you are interested in them.
How well that you relate to the needs of others, will help you greatly in developing entire networks and develop relationships that last.


Let Me Tell You Short Personal Story

As a Solutions Focused Life Coach I meet many people that want to change their lives for the better.
I have spent many years working in substance misuse and have met people in different stages of their lives.
One thing that always comes up in personal sessions and group sessions and that is that most of my clients do not feel that they have been listened too.
I have had many clients tell me personally that for the first time that they could remember they have felt listened too.
This is because I make it my duty to listen careful to them and at the beginning of each session I will go over important points from the last session to reinforce that I heard what they had said to me.
As a result whenever I bump into them years later they would thank me for helping them and tell me about their progress.

Art of an Influencer

Just taking the time to understand that people are different and understanding actions, culture, behaviour and different viewpoints can cultivate influence.
Developing influence should never be for self-centred reasons.
It is better when it is used for the common good of a group.

What would you start to change in developing your Art of Influence?

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Smart Laptop Lifestyle

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