Smart Laptop Lifestyle

Empowering You to Build and Grow Your Laptop Lifestyle


Blogging can be different things for different people, whilst for some it is a great deal of fun blogging away until their heart is content and for others blogging is a source of income.

Gaining income from blogging can be accomplished in different ways such as:

  • Google AdSense
  • Paid Advertising
  • Affiliate Marketing

Or other forms of income generating sources.

But one key element that is needed to gain this income and to maximise profits is to be able to drive a great deal of traffic to your blog in the first place.

This is purely because the more visitors that you have coming to your blog the more opportunities there will be for an increased click through rate for advertising in the blog.

There are a few basic Technics that bloggers can really rely on to promote their blog and greatly increase traffic to their blog.

In this article I will cover a few of these key concepts including:

  1. Optimising your blog for search engines
  2. Keeping your blog post interesting to your visitors
  3. Participating in relevant message boards

How to Promote Your Blog for Best Results

Optimising Your Blog for Search Engines

Learning and using search engine optimisation is another important factor that blog owners should seriously consider.

Optimising your blog for the search engines can be extremely beneficial and learning how to do this successful will help greatly in getting your content not only get ranked in the search engines more often but will get your content ranked higher and this will often lead to you getting increased traffic to your blog.

Some people would say that this would depend on your chosen niche and the competition level, because if your competition is popular this it could be harder in getting a good ranking positon.

Bloggers that are in a popular niche may face stiff competition for search engine rankings for the other blogs and websites that have more experience and are able to hire professionals in search engine optimisation to help them achieve higher rankings.

Don’t worry because there are some steps that you can take to help you boost your search engine rankings.

Some of these will include your researching and using relevant keywords naturally throughout your content.

Learning how to include relevant keywords in:

  • Your content titles
  • META
  • Image Tags
  • Avoiding black hat optimising techniques which can actually harm your blog website by getting you penalised by the search engines.

You can learn more from my number one recommendation here.

Keeping Your Blog Post Interesting to Your Visitors

Now keeping your blog website interesting is to keep it updated because this will help in driving traffic to your blog.

Ensure that you content is helpful, useful and informative, this will keep your visitors interested and keep them coming back for more and it will also help in generating new traffic.

Also your visitors will want to share and like your content and recommend it to others in your target audience.

Word of mouth advertising can become extremely beneficial to you because those that are interested in your content will also have family and friends who would also be interested in your blog.

This type of recommendation can then become rinse and repeat, meaning that their friends and family may also be interested and so on.

This will keep your content interesting for years to come.

Word of Mouth equals more traffic

Participating in Relevant Message Boards

Participating in message boards that are relevant to your blog niche is a very simple way for your blog content to drive traffic to your blog website.

However, on thing that you should keep in mind when using this method and that is to make sure that you do not violate the rules of the message board.

This point is really important because some message boards will have strict regulations regarding you including links to your website within the message board.

If you break these rules and guidelines could result in you getting banned from the message board and could affect your applying to be part of other message boards.

Another point to carefully consider is that you may not be able to attach your website address as this may be seen as spam by the other users.

This is really important because if other users see what you are posting to the message boards as spam they are then less likely to visit you blog website.

A way around this is to include your blog website link with your profile and signature and always make sure that you content within the message board are informative, helpful and interesting to the other message board users.

Building a good reputation as a helpful and useful contributor to a message board will be very beneficial in encouraging other users of the message board to actually start visiting your blog website and more importantly start sharing and liking your content.

Creating Your Own Blog Website

Creating your own blog will give you more control of what you want to include in your blog and you can also decide how you want to monetise your blog.

You can create your own blog just like I have on a platform that is second to none and free to get started.

You can learn all you need to know about creating your very own blog website and how you can create content for your blog.

The great thing is that you do not have to have any previous experience to get started and you will get step by step training to help you to build a solid foundation for your blog website.

You can try it out for free and you will meet other like-minded people like myself that have also started from scratch.

Anyone can build a profitable online business from scratch using this step by step training.

In fact you can see proof of it right here on this website and how it is working for me.

You will also be able to see how it is working for others too.

It will also work for you too.

You can find out how you can get started by clicking the banner below.

You can also get started for free.

Getting Started Online

Here’s the tough truth you probably already know.

If you want different results you need to do something different.

Make a definitive decision right now to get different results

Here’s what you and I know, one year from today you will certainly arrive.

The question is where?

That is your decision to make right now.

Thank you for visiting

I really hope that you found this article helpful.

If you have any questions or thoughts regarding this article or anything else, please feel free to leave me a comment below.

I always respond to my readers.

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Here’s to making it happen


Smart Laptop Lifestyle





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