Attention: Affiliate Marketer
Hello and welcome to Smart Laptop Lifestyle,
Right, so you have decided that you want to make money with Affiliate Marketing.
So, you may have joined some affiliate programs and started to submitting free ads to newsletters and free advertising such as classified sites.
You’re going to make BIG MONEY NOW – Right?
NOPE! Sorry to have to tell you.
But just sending out a few ads is not going to cut it in the online world.
Not if you want to become really successful online.
You must first determine your passion.
You passion as to be more than just making money online.
- What is you hobby?
- What do you know how to do really well?
- What is your job?
Everyone has something that is their special talent.
- What’s Yours?
- What’s Your Passion?
Deciding Which Passion to Start with
Now you probably have more than one thing that you are really interested in and that you do well.
In that case see if you can find five things, ten if you are really ambitious.
Then write then down, list them.
Oh and one thing to remember.
It is really important to note that you will be spending a lot of time working with the subject you choose so make sure you really enjoy it.
Take a good look at each item that you have listed and start to write a rough outline of everything that you know about the topic.
It does not have to be an elaborate outline and you can jot down a bullet list of what you know.
This outline of your list is just to give you an idea of how much information you know and is available to each subject.
Mapping Out Your Passion
Start to map out your ideas if you have more than one then do this for each.
Write down the main subject of your idea.
Here is an example of what you could use to get you started with brain storming your ideas and mapping out your ideas.
How to Mind Map?
Draw a circle in the centre of the page.
You can see by the image above where the lightbulb is that is where you would put your subject/idea.
Now you can start thinking of sub-categories that are related to you main category.
Draw a line from the main circle and draw a circle at the end of it and there you would put your sub-category. Find as many sub-categories as you can.
If you have more than one passion idea you will do the same with each.
Choose the one that you know the most about and that you can write about comfortably and write a lot.
There is a lot more to affiliate marketing, of course but the first step and the important step is to find your passion.
You passion does not have to be making money online.
It can be anything from:
- Cooking
- Sewing
- Photography
- Football
- Crafting
- Fishing
- Painting
- Fine Arts
- Or whatever you want.
If fact it’s better if you find a niche that isn’t in the online marketing arena because that’s what nearly everyone else is doing.
Sometimes it is better to think out of the box.
Make your topic unique to you and make it yours.
Make it your passion
It will pay you well.
If you want to find out how you can get started online then either click RIGHT HERE or click the Banner below and discover how you can start to create the next chapter of your life.
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Here’s to making it happen
Smart Laptop Lifestyle