Smart Laptop Lifestyle

Empowering You to Build and Grow Your Laptop Lifestyle


ATTENTION: Affiliate Marketers

Hi and Welcome to Affiliate Programs need affiliates that help affiliates

Now first off let explain what is an Affiliate Program?

Affiliate Programs, which are also known as Associate Programs are just simply put a way that a Company gets a ton of traffic, members and or sales without having to recruit new people to their business.

You can get a more detailed explanation RIGHT HERE.

Affiliate Programs

The Difference between Network Marketing and Affiliate Marketing

If you are familiar with Network Marketing then you will have no problem in understanding Affiliate Programs.

These companies will recruit a sales force that only get paid when they make a sale or provide direct leads or referrals.

But as an affiliate marketer you will promote a Company’s products and or services.

In return you will be paid a commission for each sale or membership that you sell or provide on their behalf.

Affiliates that help affiliates

  • How and when do you get paid?
  • What is the payment and commission structure?
  • How many levels or tiers will you get payments on?

Do you get paid even if you are a free affiliate, or do you have to become a paid member to earn commissions?

Something to think about when joining free to join affiliate programs and that is that if it is free to join and you refer others that also join the free membership then it will be harder to start earning any money.  This is not to say that it is impossible because but just harder.

How often payments are sent out and is there a minimum amount that you must earn before you start receiving payments?

Many affiliate programs will have different minimum payment structures and most of them will send out payments once a month.

Do you get paid for direct sales and or sign ups only or can you earn money on multiple levels or tiers?

Do you get paid on the sales from the affiliate that you have sign up?

For this I will give you two examples of payment structures.

The First is the Single level or tier sales

You will only get paid for the direct sales that you personally make.

Say you join an affiliate program that costs you $49.00 per month to become a paid member and pays you $23.50 for each new affiliate that you sign up.

And say you sign up 10 people that pay $49.00 per month and you are earning $23.50 for each person.

As long as these people remain members you will receive $235.00 commission payment each month.

This type of affiliate program is a single tier and you will only receive payments on the sales you make directly yourself.

In order for you to make more money per month you will need to sign up more people to the program.

The Second is Multiple Levels or Tiers

You join an affiliate program that pays you $23.50 a month for each of the affiliate that you have directly signed up but you will also get another payment when you affiliate signs up a member or makes a sale.

Those same 10 people that you signed up will earn you £235.00 per month just like the single tier, but it gets a little more interesting because you will also get an additional payment.

Say you get $5.00 from each of your affiliates that sign up that others you will earn an extra income.

Right let’s put some figures out there.

You sign up 10 Affiliates

Your affiliate sign up 50 new members

You now earn an additional $250 per month

So in total you will be earning $485 per month

Take a moment to think about this.

Which Affiliate Program do you think is better?

New to Affiliate Marketing

When new affiliate get started they are either too intimidated by affiliate programs to do anything or they would just jump straight in.

Both of these will suffer because of these types of actions.

The first will never get to know the positive impact joining an affiliate program will have on their lives.

Whilst the other type of person will never get to learn the how affiliate marketing really works and will give up.

This leaves both types in the same position.

Getting Started Online

How Many Affiliate Programs Are There?

There are tons of great affiliate programs available and this can make it difficult to choose one.

What is the Solution to This Problem?

The answer believe it or not is not as hard as you may think.

The easy answer is to Do Your Own Research.

Affiliate Programs Need Affiliates That Help Affiliates

Why Affiliates Do Poorly With Most Affiliate Programs?

Right if you really want to be a good affiliate and create other great affiliates you will need to give up assuming things.

You need to know what you are doing.

There is a saying and it goes “Knowledge is Power”


I will take it a step further by saying that it is what you do with that knowledge that will give you power.

“The Power Only Comes When You Act on The Knowledge.”

Where Do You Get The Knowledge?

Right is you are completely new to affiliate programs you should be seeking help from people know about affiliate marketing and how it works.

These people will help you and give you the heads up on affiliate programs that they are familiar with.

Never be afraid to ask questions and ask for help.

If you have any questions you can leave them in the comments section below and I would be glad to help you.

If you are looking to get started online and want to find out how to go about it then you can CLICK RIGHT HERE.

Getting Started Online

If you are looking of for an affiliate program that offers great training from scratch to building a successful online business here is my number one recommendation.   CLICK HERE.

Are You Already in an Affiliate Program?

If you are already in an affiliate program but find yourself totally lost as to what you should do next.

Firstly I would say contact others that are in the same affiliate program as you and have already figured out how it works.

Ask questions within the community if they have one and you will be sure to get the answers that you are looking for.

If you have just started and you don’t know anyone yet, that’s okay you can do a Google search and find a forum for your affiliate program and you can ask your questions there.

How I Got Started in Affiliate Marketing You Can Too

Getting Started in Affiliate Marketing

Creating your own affiliate marketing business will give you more control of what you want to include in your affiliate marketing business.

You can learn all you need to know from the affiliate program that I am using and the great thing is that there are thousands of other like-minded people that are ready and willing to help 24/7.

You will be able to learn all you need to know about affiliate marketing and how to grow a successful online business from scratch.

This is like a ONE STOP SHOP for Information to build a Lifestyle you want.

An Affiliate Program That Helps Affiliates Help Affiliates

Affiliate Program that Helps Affiliates to Help Affiliates

Anyone can build a profitable online business from scratch using this step by step training.

In fact you can see proof of it right here on this website and how it is working for me.

You will also be able to see how it is working for others too.

It will also work for you too.

You can find out how you can get started by clicking the banner below.

You can also get started for free.

Here’s the tough truth you probably already know.

If you want different results you need to do something different.

Make a definitive decision right now to get different results

Here’s what you and I know, one year from today you will certainly arrive.

The question is where?

That is your decision to make right now.

Thank you for visiting

I really hope that you found this article helpful.

If you have any questions or thoughts regarding this article or anything else, please feel free to leave me a comment below.

I always respond to my readers.

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Here’s to making it happen


Smart Laptop Lifestyle

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