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Attention: Network Marketers

“This book is dedicated to the Network Marketing Distributor. Thank you for having the courage to follow your dreams.” Eric Worre.

When I thought about reviewing this book after reading it several times over and adding the techniques to my new network marketing project and having a lot more understanding into the workings of how network marketing should be run.

I got really excited in thinking of way that I could present this review to you. Then I became a little overwhelmed in how I would show some of the amazing benefits without showing you the whole book. Lol

So I thought that I would just keep it simple so here goes.

“Over twenty years ago at a company convention.  Eric Worre had an “aha” moment that would change his life forever.  He decided to Go Pro and become a Network Marketing expert. Since that time he has focused on developing the skills to do just that.  Eric has touched and been touched by hundreds and thousands of people around the world.  Now he shares his wisdom in a guide that will ignite your passion for this profession and help you to make the decision to Go Pro and create the life of your dreams…….. Eric’s wish is for you to make the decision to become a network marketing professional – for you to truly Go Pro.  Because it is a stone Cold fact that network marketing is a better way. Now let’s Go Tell The World.”

I could not have said this better myself. Lol.

Network marketing is also known as MLM which mean Multi-level Marketing.

I have written and article that explains what Network marketing / MLM / Multi-level Marketing is Right Here.

Go Pro - 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional

Product Overview of Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional

  • Product name: Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional
  • Product: Book / Kindle / Paperback / Audio CD
  • Price: Kindle £5.53 / Audiobook Free / Paperback £7.00 / Audio CD from £0.76
  • Author: Eric Worre
  • Publication Date: 2013, 2014, 2015 (all rights reserved to Eric Worre, Network Marketing Pro.)
  • Edition: 3rd Edition
  • ISBN: 978-0-9886679-0-7
  • How Many Pages: 170
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Network Marketing Pro Inc.; first Printed Edition (5th January 2013)
  • Book Dimensions: 15.2 x 2.5 x 20.3cm
  • Printed: United States of America
  • How many Chapters: 12 Chapters
  • Best For: Anyone who is new to network marketing / Anyone wanted to take their network Marketing to the next level.
  • Recommend:  YES

About the Author: Eric Worre

Eric Worre states that he may not be the best network marketer.  Although he has had amazing success in network marketing and an amazing career at it.

He has been a leader in the network marketing profession for over 25 years.

He has a career of being the top-producing Network Marketing Professional:

  • Earned over $15 million
  • Built sales organisations totally over 500,000 distributors in over 60 countries.
  • Worked as a president of a $200 million direct-selling company
  • Co-founded and worked as president of his own company, TPN – The Peoples Network.
  • Worked as a seven figure a year marketing consultant to the direct-selling industry.

Eric Worre is also an accomplished trainer and has conducted live events with more than 250,000 people around the world, teaching them how to become a Network Marketing Professionals.

Another amazing fact is that Eric has also shared stages with people like:

  • The late Stephen Covey
  • Tom Peters
  • Denis Waitley
  • The late Jim Rohn
  • Brian Tracy
  • Anthony Robbins
  • Les Brown
  • The Late Og Mandino
  • David Bach
  • Robert Kiyosaki
  • Harvey Mackay
  • Art Williams
  • Tom Rath
  • Daniel Pink
  • Tom Hopkins
  • Jack Canfield
  • Jeffery Gitomer
  • Ken Blanchard
  • Mark Victor Hansen
  • And many others

Now that is impressive.

In 2009 Eric Worre founded Network Marketing Pro, which is the most-watched training site in the Network Marketing Profession. This company as audiences in 137 countries around the world.

Since this companies creation it as provided hundreds of free training videos, which includes many interviews with the most influential and successful distributors in the world and the most powerful training events in the Network Marketing Profession.

Eric Worre always ends his training videos with his trademark statement:

“Ladies and gentlemen, my wish for you is that you decide to become a Network Marketing Professional – You decide to Go Pro – because it is a stone-cold fact that we have a better way.  Now let’s go tell the world.”

What is Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional?

Table of Content

  • About Network Marketing Pro
  • Chapter 1: Network Marketing Isn’t Perfect… It’s Just Better
  • Chapter 2: If You’re Going to be Involved in Network Marketing, Decide to be a Professional. Decide to Go Pro.
  • Chapter 3: Like Any Professional, You’ll Need to Learn Some Skills
  • Chapter 4: Skill #1 – Finding Prospects
  • Chapter 5: Skill #2 – inviting Prospects to Understand Your Product or Opportunity
  • Chapter 6: Skill #3 – Presenting Your Product or Opportunity to Your Prospects
  • Chapter 7: Skill #4 – Following Up With Your Prospects
  • Chapter 8: Skill #5 – Helping Your Prospects Become Customers or Distributors
  • Chapter 9: Skill #6 – helping Your New Distributor Get Started Right
  • Chapter 10: Skill #7 – Promoting Events
  • Chapter 11: Anything Worthwhile Takes Time
  • Chapter 12: It’s All Worth It

I will show you some of the topics that are covered in each chapter so that you will have a better understanding of what if covered in this book.

Chapter 1: Network Marketing Isn’t Perfect… It’s Just Better

“All ‘jobs’ that I know of fall into one of five categories”

  • Blue Collar
  • White Collar
  • Sales
  • Traditional Business Ownership
  • Investing

Eric Worre goes into great detail about each of these categories.

He then goes into the NEW Economy and explains how the world has changed.

He also explains why Network Marketing is Better.

Go Pro Snap Shot of Book

Chapter 2: If You’re Going to be Involved in Network Marketing, Decide to be a Professional. Decide to Go Pro.

“There are three categories of people in Network Marketing. I’ve seen all of them and I’ve been all of them.  They are the Posers, the Amateurs, and the Professionals.”

  1. Posers
  2. Amateurs
  3. Professionals

Eric explains all these categories of Network Marketers that he has been and seen and goes into detail about how he changed from an Amateur and how he made the decision and became a professional.

I love this explanation and so I have included here.

“Professional athletes will devote endless hours to preparing for competition but when they join Network Marketing, they won’t give one say’s worth of effort to learning our skills.  Doctors will devote a decade of their lives at huge financial expense to become physicians, but when they join Network Marketing they won’t give a month’s study and practice to become a Network Marketing Pro.”

Eric also goes into the fact that when he decided to Go Pro and focus on developing the skills and made a commitment to practice until he had mastered what was required.  He goes on to say that his world changed when he did he improved his skills and commitment.

Chapter 3: Like Any Professional, You’ll Need to Learn Some Skills

This chapter gives you an introductions into the skills that are required to become successful at becoming a Network Marketing Professional.

There are three primary elements to your Network Marketing Business

  1. The Companies products or services
  2. Compensation Plan
  3. YOU.

Chapter 4: Skill #1 – Finding Prospects

Four step detailed process to finding prospects.

Chapter 5: Skill #2 – inviting Prospects to Understand Your Product or Opportunity

I found this chapter a game changer because it gave me a good few tips on how to invite prospect to understanding my opportunity.

When he explained the emotions involved in inviting a prospect with his four detailed rules and the 8 detail steps.

This is very valuable information that not only changed the way I looked at Network Marketing but the way I looked at people in a whole.

Chapter 6: Skill #3 – Presenting Your Product or Opportunity to Your Prospects

Without going too much into detail here I will use a three important quotes from this chapter.

  1. “When you are prospecting, you are the messenger and not the message. Get yourself out of the way and use a third-party tool”
  2. “Learn to tell your story in a way that will make your prospects curious hear more.”
  3. “When it comes to presenting in front of a group of people, preparation is key. When you’re prepared, it’s fun.”

Chapter 7: Skill #4 – Following Up With Your Prospects

Chapter 7 goes into details about following up with your prospects and give 4 concepts that if learned well.

Eric also mentions that many people in the Network Marketing / Multi-level Marketing do not follow up with their prospects and many that do follow up do not do so as professionals.

This is where learning the 4 concepts he gives comes into play.

The four concepts are:

  1. Following up is doing what you said you would do
  2. The only reason to have an exposure is to set up the next exposure
  3. It takes an average of 4 to 6 exposures for the average person to join.
  4. Condense the exposures for better results

Another great learning is how to deal with prospects that have limiting belief in their ability and limiting belief about Network Marketing.

Chapter 8: Skill #5 – Helping Your Prospects Become Customers or Distributors

This chapter focusing on asking the right questions and listening to your prospects answers.

This will prevent assumptions and you will become more equip to help and answer your prospects concerns.

Another great tool to have.

Chapter 9: Skill #6 – Helping Your New Distributor Get Started Right

Now this is another chapter that I think is gold for anyone in Network Marketing because I feel that it touches a serious point that if often missed by many in Network Marketing / Multi-level Marketing.

That is looking after their new distributor and helping them to get started right.

Mentoring new people you have invited to your Network Marketing opportunity.

In this chapter it will show you the following:

  1. Game Plan Interview – Part One
  2. Game Plan Interview – Part Two
  3. Game Plan Interview – Part Three
  4. Game Plan Interview – Part Four
  5. Game Plan Interview – Part Five

Chapter 10: Skill #7 – Promoting Events

Meeting people in small groups and one to one face to face can be an important part of Network Marketing.

Today there are a few way that this can be done with technology.

Eric goes into the importance of attending meetings and how powerful they can be.

Chapter 11: Anything Worthwhile Takes Time

The topics covered in this chapter:

  • The 1/3/5/7 Formula
  • How to Learn
  • Model Successful Behaviour
  • Study
  • Video Learning
  • Events Learning
  • Be Careful of Distractions
  • Take Action
  • Teaching to Learn
  • Your Associations

“You might have heard, ‘You can get rich quick,’ or, ’There’s no work involved,’ or, The Product sells itself,’ or any number of trumped up statements.  But you must learn to give up those false and unrealistic expectations and go to work on YOU.”

Chapter 12: It’s All Worth It

“Network Marketing can be challenging. It is an emotional experience. The ups and downs can be dramatic. But in the end, for so many reasons, it’s all worth it.”

This chapter covers the following topics:

  • The Career You Will Create
  • The Freedom You Will Enjoy
  • The Lives You Will Touch
  • The People You Will Meet
  • The Places You Will See
  • The Causes You Can Contribute To
  • The Person You Will Become In The Process

Who is Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional for?

Right who is this book for and who would benefit from it?

I would say that is book is for people that have tried Network Marketing before like myself and did not for whatever reason get the supported that was need to become successful in this business.

It is good for anyone that is thinking of getting into Network Marketing / Multi-Level Marketing.

It is also good for those that are already in Network Marketing and want to take it to the next level.

I have also included some of the Pros and Cons that I researched from people that have purchased this book.

Pros – Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional

I will show you screen shots of the comments that I found so that you can see for yourself what others are saying about Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional.

These are some of the positive comments.

Go Pro Customer Review

Go Pro Customer Review

Go Pro Customer Review

Cons – Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional

Here are some of the negative comments that I found, I have screen shot them so that you can see what is being said about Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional and see why they are saying it.

Go Pro Customer Review

Go Pro Customer Review

Would I Recommend Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional

Personally I thought it was a really good read because of the topics range that it covers and I feel that this book is great for both beginners and the more advanced Network Marketer.

So YES I am gladly recommending this book, because it was a game changer for me.

Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional Overview

  • Product name: Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional
  • Product: Book / Kindle / Paperback / Audio CD
  • Price: Kindle £5.53 / Audiobook Free / Paperback £7.00 / Audio CD from £0.76
  • Author: Eric Worre
  • Publication Date: 2013, 2014, 2015 (all rights reserved to Eric Worre, Network Marketing Pro.)
  • Edition: 3rd Edition
  • ISBN: 978-0-9886679-0-7
  • How Many Pages: 170
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Network Marketing Pro Inc.; first Printed Edition (5th January 2013)
  • Book Dimensions: 15.2 x 2.5 x 20.3cm
  • Printed: United States of America
  • How many Chapters: 12 Chapters
  • Best For: Anyone who is new to network marketing / Anyone wanted to take their network Marketing to the next level.
  • Recommend:  YES

Anyone can build a profitable Network Marketing business.  I have shown you one of the tools that I am using to help me grow my Network Marketing.

You can purchase you copy right HERE.

It’s been said that in your moment of decision your destiny is shaped.

What ill you decide to do right now?

The same thing you’ve been doing do that you will keep getting the same old results or will you decide to change your results for the better.

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