We become what out habits make us. Our habits will either move us forward or they can hold us back.
Unfortunately, when it comes to our habits, it is much easier to form bad habits than it is to create good habits.
This is because bad habits are so much easier to do. Creating bad habits take little effort.
On the other hand, a good habit requires effort and self-discipline. They are much more difficult to develop and sustain.
“All out life, so far it as definite form, it is but a mass of habits…. Practical, emotional and intellectual … systematically organised for out weal or woe, and bearing us irresistibly toward out destiny whatever it may be” – Theron Dumont
You see negative habits are a complete waste of our time and can destroy our help and destroy our character.
Bad habits can keep you stuck.
Once you have developed bad habits they are very difficult to overcome and when and if you do manage to overcome your bad habits you will have to constantly be on guard against slipping back into them.
To be able to maintain good habits you will have to become focused because you will have to constantly give your good habits attention.
It would be much easier not to have developed bad habits in the first place, but we are human and quite often bad habits are formed in our youth, when we are too young to see the consequences of our actions.
Good habits are great once we develop them because these habits are what are going to drive you towards your successes and accomplishments.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit” – Aristotle.
How To Keep Your Good Habits
One way that you can keep following your good habits is to keep your eyes on the bigger picture.
Keep in mind each and every day the tasks that you have accomplished in moving you closer towards your goals.
I have heard that it take thirty days for form a habit.
So once you developed your good habit you may feel uncomfortable if you neglect it and this is a good thing. Look at it as a gentle reminder that you need to keep going. This also means that when you follow your good habit you will feel good inside and this is great because your good habit is now a comfort and joy to you.
Don’t Be Discouraged if You Slip Up
Please don’t be discouraged if you slip up, you are human so there is a possibility of either neglecting your good habit or even falling back into a bad one.
Your success if to just pick yourself up and get back on track as soon as possible.
Learn the warning signs so that you will be able to prevent these situations happening again but never torture yourself or become depressed.
The best thing is when you fall, knowing that you can get up again.
Don’t Listen if People Mock You for Your Good Habits
Don’t waste your time listening to people that mock you because you are persistent in your good habits.
They are just trying to pull you back down to their level. You will soon be leaving them behind and be onto better things.
People who exercise regularly or try to eat healthy are often mocked as following a trend or being a fanatic. Those people that mock are actually just feel guilty because they lack the self-control to do what you are doing.
Take a moment to think about what habits you have.
What are your good habits?
What habits are holding you back?
People that are the most influential are those that have built good habits into their lives and have eliminated their bad ones.
It is your life and you are responsible for your actions. You are the master of your own destiny.
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Smart Laptop Lifestyle
Hi Jennifer,
I have enjoyed reading your post and i´m curious about the 30 day habit creation. Is there any study on the matter?
I´m very much into natural health and beauty products and I use the 30 day testing period when trying a new product and it does give results. I know this has nothing to do with habits but would love to know.
Thank you for the interesting post. Cheers. Marisa
Hi Marisa thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment much appreciated.
Yes there are quite a few studies on habits I have add one of them HERE for you and hope this helps.
Many thanks