Oh my, Excuses! Excuses! When we are not doing what we are expected to do, we can come up with the most excuses for it.
However, if we take a closer look, an excuse is a really self-destructive alibi for failing to do something, especially when it is about completing a goal.
Instead of trying to continue in finding ways to achieve a goal, some of us resort to finding excuses.
Today even being handicap can’t be used as an excuse. Many handicapped but yet determined people have become achievers and champions. Just look at the Olympics. Instead of using a handicap as an excuse, let’s turn it into an asset.
Let us look into this further.
Being handicap need not be a reason for failure. Oh no on the contrary, a handicap become a reason for success.
People with a handicap always have an offsetting strength that allows them to overcome certain problems better than others.
Many people living with a handicap have one obsession and that is to lead a normal life.
Depending on the handicap, a person would much prefer to be as independent as possible, and because of this he or she will struggle to find a way to overcome their impediment.
You see when they are able to achieve a goal, this elevates their self-esteem and this in turn will inspire others.
You could also look at it this way and that is that everybody has handicaps in one way or another. This is why it requires determination and effort to overcome them.
Handicaps can either be:
- Physical
- Financial
- Emotional
And they can either be imagined or real.
We Almost Always Look at a Handicap as a Negative
The funny thing is that whenever we look at a handicap, we almost always look on the negative side only.
But it is about time that we look at the positive side of it, you see the positive side may be the difficult side but it is the one that is worth looking into because it is the side that is going to lead us to be able to excel in life.
If Your Handicap is Physical
If you think that your handicap is physical, say like having a weak body, then you can fix this by changing your diet and introducing an exercise routine. As long as the physical part of your body are intact and mobile then there is no reason why you can’t make it strong and useful.
Why? For example, even those without a leg can be made to walk or run, with the advancement of technology, artificial legs can help a handicap function with great mobility.
If Your Handicap is Financial Handicap
If your handicap is financial, then this is more of a reason for you to rise above your present situation. If your financial situation limits your education so that you are unable to improve your living situation, then remember this, school is not the only place that you can learn.
Of course there are places like help centres that will help you get started from zero. Once you learn the basics of an education, then the rest will be up to you.
You have the opportunity to use libraries and once you have educationally equipped, you are then in a position to use your brain and come up with your own creative ideas to improve your life.
If Your Handicap is Emotional
If you care emotionally disturbed with negative thoughts, it is like you are sitting on a chair with three legs instead of four. Try sitting on a chair with sturdy legs.
What I mean by this is that you should start looking at the bright side of things, start looking at the positive side of life.
Put aside negativity and start to think positively. The only person that can stop you doing this is you stopping yourself.
You can use positive motivational quotes to help you do this and also start using affirmations.
If Your Handicap is a Combination
If your handicap is a combination of physical, financial and or emotional. Well congratulations because if you have more to overcome then you will really need to become focused on changing them and there is a saying the greater the challenge the bigger the victory.
After all the efforts you have exercised the prize of success shall surely be well-deserved.
So I ask you. What is your excuse for not being successful?
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